Thursday, August 8, 2019


"God gave Solomon wisdom and very great insight, and a breadth of understanding as measureless as the sand on the seashore."
1Kings 4:29

Solomon has been for ages the epitome of human wisdom and understanding, he spoke according to scripture 3000 proverbs and 1005 songs. People came practically from all around the world to listen to the unparalleled wisdom given to him by God.

I am glad to say God is still in the business of granting his humble children, wisdom overflowing and beyond measure. The Bible says "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God who gives generously without reproach, and it will be given him" James 1:5

Which area do you feel you lack wisdom in life; in your academics, business, relationships etc. Name your lack and ask the author of Wisdom, wiser than even Solomon - Jesus Christ our Lord (Matthew 12:42).

Jesus said these words "The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here." Matt 12:42 The wisdom of Christ is all surpassing for in him "..are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." Col 2:3

If in humble faith we ask for heavenly wisdom we shall receive it (Matt 7:7), if we seek it for his glory we shall find it and if we knock confidently the door will be opened and we shall enter a realm of unparalleled Wisdom that will make our world a better place. Amen

However for us to gain access to this celestial vault of Wisdom we must have an access code obtainable only at an individual level, it cannot be shared but must be claimed for oneself. Jesus put it in this way "I am the way, the truth and the life no man cometh to the Father except through me" John 14:6. Jesus is our bridge to wisdom and many great blessings but we can only access them when we have accepted him as our Lord and personal savior.

If you would like to dedicate or rededicate your life to the Lord Jesus Christ, here's a special prayer I wrote just for you, read it and claim it as your own. Amen
Special Prayer PDF

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Lessons from Absalom's Rebellion Subtheme: Finding True Happiness Part Two.

Proverbs 16:18 "Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." Pride swelled up in the heart of Absalom and he fell, may it be our prayer that such an attitude of self glory does not reign in our lives. A church elder I greatly respect Elder Tenson Kaliza once mentioned something quite moving to me that has never faded from memory since. He taught me of the three things that can cause a preacher's downfall: 1) Glory 2) Gain 3) Girls these he termed as G to the power three (G³), quite fascinating isn't it. Let me elaborate a little bit more:

Glory-When you are praised greatly by the sons of men, flattered and admired it can be a grave concoction for disaster. Beware of the desperate wickedness of the human heart it can take you by surprise; render all praise and glory to the one alone who truly deserves and can handle it - Jesus Christ.

Gain-Accolades and riches often follow the successful and excellent. God may have very well called you to greatness and power but if you're not careful and prayerful the silver and gold will get to your head and sabotage your faith in God. As you gain wealth always remember it doesn't Define you, it doesn't Save you and it doesn't bring true Happiness. To live a truly satisfying life we must connect ourselves to the Lord of life, the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Girls/Guys-This one according to scripture rings especially true for guys but can equally apply to ladies too, a beautiful maiden has many a time led to the down fall of many great men. Beginning from Adam to Abraham to Samson to David and even his son Solomon. A great weakness has been succumbing to the unrighteous suggestions of the opposite sex.

If you desire to stand firm in this life pray that God gives you the spiritual strength and stamina to love Him supremely above all else period. Let us NEVER give in to wickedness in an attempt to please a fair maiden or a sweet spoken knight in shining armor. Be careful It could be your girlfriend, boyfriend or spouse who you idolize, take heed lest you fall. Love them genuinely and fully this is God's ideal but at the same time regard the Lord God Almighty as your ultimate guide and standard in life.

To sum it all up I can simply say to live a meaningful and happy life stay focused not on yourself, your riches, your supporters, your companions or anything else; rather stay focussed on the Lord, the giver of your life. Wealth has it's proper place, appreciation too and not forgetting the loving relationships that God desires us to have. But ultimately in all these blessings keep Christ Jesus at the center of your life and you'll find true happiness. Storms may arise but with Jesus in the vessel you can smile at the storm. Amen.

Lessons from Absalom's Rebellion Subtheme: Finding True Happiness. Part One


How sad it must have been for David when his son Absalom championed a civil war against him that led to his own death. Absalom's beauty and public popularity drove him to incite a rebellion against his Father, a scenario mirroring the fall of Lucifer who coveted God's throne in heaven. (Isaiah 14:12-14)

Here is a warning to us all to be careful when we are praised because of our beauty, wisdom or prestige. In this life we may become Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants, Engineers etc all these being prestigious professions thus the temptation to be high minded and proud is very real rather than being carried away. Let's remain humble and God will exalt us.

When Absalom perished
David cried "O my son Absalom, my son Absalom! I Would have preferred to die instead of you, O my son Absalom my son my son!" It was surprising how David reacted when Absalom and many of his enemies perished, he often wept bitterly.

Inspite of conspiring against his Father to kill him and take over his Kingdom David still loved Absalom his son and proudly called him so. An important lesson here is the undying Love of God for even his most wayward children, no matter how far we think we have gone in sin God is still yearning in love that we come back home to him.

All through Chapter 18 of 2nd Samuel David was so careful in seeking the security and welfare of his rebellious son, and so it is with us; God is looking for us as he did Adam "Where are you my son, my daughter? Come home is God's persistent cry.

You & I know best our faults and failures, sometimes we feel unworthy of coming back to our Fathers house. Without a moment of delay let's hearken to God's call journey back to Him, his Church and our family of faith.

Interesting to note; there's a famous Adventist song in Zambia called 'Chikondwelelo' talking about David weeping and mourning for his son; this story in 2Samuel 18 is the background to those loved stanzas countrywide 😊.

To be continued...
Part 2 Coming Soon